vintage television on a stall with vintage wallpaper background
vintage television on a stall with vintage wallpaper background
Photo by Ajeet Mestry on Unsplash

TV Show Trivia Quiz

Welcome to our ultimate TV Show Trivia challenge! Over the decades, television has gifted us with an array of iconic series, memorable characters, and unforgettable moments.

Whether you’re a TV buff who’s watched every episode of “The Sopranos” or someone who knows every quirk of the gang from “Friends,” this quiz is designed to test your mettle and see just how well you’ve been paying attention.

Spanning classics and contemporary masterpieces, these 20 questions dive deep into the world of TV, providing a blend of fun and challenge for fans of all ages. So, grab your remote, get comfy on your couch, and let’s see if you can score a perfect 20/20.

Ready? Lights, camera, action!

TV Show Trivia Quiz – 20 Questions

1. The Sopranos: Who is the psychiatrist Tony Soprano regularly sees throughout the series?
a) Dr. Melfi
b) Dr. Phil
c) Dr. House
d) Dr. Bloom

2. Breaking Bad: What periodic table element does Walter White use as his street name?
a) Gold
b) Iron
c) Copper
d) Heisenberg

3. Game of Thrones: Which house has the motto “Winter is Coming”?
a) Lannister
b) Stark
c) Targaryen
d) Baratheon

4. The Wire: In which city is “The Wire” primarily set?
a) Chicago
b) New York
c) Baltimore
d) Detroit

5. M*A*S*H: What is the nickname of the character Benjamin Franklin Pierce?
a) Radar
b) Hawkeye
c) Hot Lips
d) Trapper

6. Friends: Who famously shouted, “We were on a break!”?
a) Ross
b) Joey
c) Chandler
d) Monica

7. The Twilight Zone: Who was the creator and host of “The Twilight Zone”?
a) Steven Spielberg
b) Alfred Hitchcock
c) Rod Serling
d) Stanley Kubrick

8. The Simpsons: What is the name of the shopkeeper who owns the Kwik-E-Mart?
a) Barney
b) Apu
c) Moe
d) Ned

9. Seinfeld: What is the name of the fictional holiday celebrated by George’s father?
a) Kramerica Day
b) Costanza Fest
c) Festivus
d) Seinfeld Solstice

10. Cheers: What is the name of the waitress Sam Malone has an on-and-off relationship with?
a) Rebecca
b) Lilith
c) Carla
d) Diane

11. The West Wing: Who plays President Josiah Bartlet?
a) Alan Alda
b) Martin Sheen
c) Rob Lowe
d) John Spencer

12. The Office (U.S.): Which company acquires Dunder Mifflin?
a) Staples
b) Sabre
c) OfficeMax
d) Utica

13. Twin Peaks: Who killed Laura Palmer?
a) Dale Cooper
b) Leo Johnson
c) Leland Palmer
d) Benjamin Horne

14. I Love Lucy: In a famous episode, Lucy gets a job in a factory doing what?
a) Sewing shirts
b) Boxing chocolates
c) Assembling toys
d) Making pies

15. Sherlock: What is the name of Sherlock Holmes’ brother?
a) Mycroft
b) Watson
c) Lestrade
d) Moriarty

16. Stranger Things: In which fictional town is the series set?
a) Sunnydale
b) Hawkins
c) Rosewood
d) Twin Peaks

17. Fargo: Which actor plays the character Lorne Malvo in the first season?
a) Ewan McGregor
b) Martin Freeman
c) Billy Bob Thornton
d) Colin Hanks

18. Mad Men: Who is the creative director of Sterling Cooper at the beginning of the series?
a) Roger Sterling
b) Pete Campbell
c) Lane Pryce
d) Don Draper

19. The Crown: Claire Foy portrays which British monarch in “The Crown”?
a) Queen Victoria
b) Queen Elizabeth II
c) Queen Mary
d) Queen Anne

20. Black Mirror: Which episode focuses on a prime minister and a ransom involving a pig?
a) “San Junipero”
b) “The National Anthem”
c) “Nosedive”
d) “USS Callister”

TV Show Trivia Quiz part 1
TV Show Trivia Quiz part 1

TV Show Trivia Quiz part 2
TV Show Trivia Quiz part 2

TV Show Trivia Quiz – 20 Answers

1. The Sopranos: Who is the psychiatrist Tony Soprano regularly sees throughout the series?
a) Dr. Melfi

2. Breaking Bad: What periodic table element does Walter White use as his street name?
d) Heisenberg

3. Game of Thrones: Which house has the motto “Winter is Coming”?
b) Stark

4. The Wire: In which city is “The Wire” primarily set?
c) Baltimore

5. M*A*S*H: What is the nickname of the character Benjamin Franklin Pierce?
b) Hawkeye

6. Friends: Who famously shouted, “We were on a break!”?
a) Ross

7. The Twilight Zone: Who was the creator and host of “The Twilight Zone”?
c) Rod Serling

8. The Simpsons: What is the name of the shopkeeper who owns the Kwik-E-Mart?
b) Apu

9. Seinfeld: What is the name of the fictional holiday celebrated by George’s father?
c) Festivus

10. Cheers: What is the name of the waitress Sam Malone has an on-and-off relationship with?
d) Diane

11. The West Wing: Who plays President Josiah Bartlet?
b) Martin Sheen

12. The Office (U.S.): Which company acquires Dunder Mifflin?
b) Sabre

13. Twin Peaks: Who killed Laura Palmer?
c) Leland Palmer

14. I Love Lucy: In a famous episode, Lucy gets a job in a factory doing what?
b) Boxing chocolates

15. Sherlock: What is the name of Sherlock Holmes’ brother?
a) Mycroft

16. Stranger Things: In which fictional town is the series set?
b) Hawkins

17. Fargo: Which actor plays the character Lorne Malvo in the first season?
c) Billy Bob Thornton

18. Mad Men: Who is the creative director of Sterling Cooper at the beginning of the series?
d) Don Draper

19. The Crown: Claire Foy portrays which British monarch in “The Crown”?
b) Queen Elizabeth II

20. Black Mirror: Which episode focuses on a prime minister and a ransom involving a pig?
b) “The National Anthem”

And that’s a wrap! We’ve journeyed through TV history, revisited some iconic moments, and tested the depths of your television knowledge.

Whether you aced the quiz or discovered new shows to add to your watchlist, we hope you enjoyed this nostalgic trip down memory lane.

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