Another fun holiday quiz for you here. The Easter trivia quiz is a fun 10 question quiz about some things to do with the easter and springtime holiday. There are more Easter quizzes on the website so do check those out if you want to add some extra rounds to your Easter quiz or you want to challenge a bit more of your Easter trivia knowledge.
Easter Trivia Quiz – 10 Questions
1. Easter weekend always falls within which two months of the year?
2. From which country did the Easter bunny originate?
3. What is the name of the equivalent of Shrove Tuesday in France?
4. Complete this famous saying: “don’t put all your eggs in one …”
5. Which bird lays the largest egg?
6. Easter Island is a part of which country?
7. Egg rolling, an Easter game of rolling hard-boiled eggs down a hill, is an annual event at which famous American house?
8. What is a male rabbit called?
9. Semana Santa is the Spanish term for the last week of Lent. What does it mean in English?
10. On which street in New York does the city’s traditional Easter parade take place?
Easter Trivia Quiz – 10 Questions and Answers
1. Easter weekend always falls within which two months of the year?
March and April
2. From which country did the Easter bunny originate?
3. What is the name of the equivalent of Shrove Tuesday in France?
Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday)
4. Complete this famous saying: “don’t put all your eggs in one …”
5. Which bird lays the largest egg?
6. Easter Island is a part of which country?
7. Egg rolling, an Easter game of rolling hard-boiled eggs down a hill, is an annual event at which famous American house?
The White House
8. What is a male rabbit called?
9. Semana Santa is the Spanish term for the last week of Lent. What does it mean in English?
Holy Week
10. On which street in New York does the city’s traditional Easter parade take place?
Fifth Avenue
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